Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Lovely Bones

Had a great night on what everyone called it Monday blue. That's because I've been invited to the premier screening of The Lovely Bones

If you are a movie trailer follower, you should be aware of this movie, and you should have a brief idea what's this movie is about. It is a movie where a murdered 14 year old girl tell the audience about her life on earth and in between earth and heaven.
You will be in a big disappointment if you are in for some action. Likewise if you are those who enjoy art you should find it interesting.

The movie was directed by Peter Jackson, the one who directed District 9 last year, has again impress those who enjoyed the movie. His wild and imaginary thought have brought audience to a different world, afterlife.

Basically I need not write much about it because the trailer tells you the story about how Susie is murdered, and you as the audience will be sitting in the hall exploring the world in between earth and heaven.

Never did I love watching 'artistic' type of movie, but felt that Lovely Bones ain't that bad after all 3/5

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